The Nooking, Haxey, Doncaster, DN9 2JQ

01427 752294


Church of England Primary Academy


'Inspired to be the best we can be, through the love of Jesus Christ'

Our Vision

At The Trentside Federation we are building a community that aspires to be the best that we all can be.

We aim to have a positive impact on our world, developing resilience and hope through the love & teachings of Jesus Christ.



These values support our vision and we try to live them out as adults and children within our school community : hope, love, courage, resilience, respect and wisdom

Pupils and Adults flourishing within a 'Community of Hope'  

The children say :

'we are positive and helpful.  We help each other out and talk the problem through.  

Sometimes, when we can't manage to do things, we say 'we can't do it YET'

We say 'you can do this, it's ok.  We are here to help you with team work'

'We recognise that, however young or old we are, we can be part of a positive change for our future and for those around us'

'We have had to make lots of changes because of COVID, to keep us all safe.  We also had to do our school work in a different way' 

From Parent / Carer surveys, we know that over the course of the pandemic,  children and parents/carers had faith in the school to guide them through the closures and support their children as best as we could both in their education and emotionally. 


Governors say :- 

'As a Board of Governors, we  support and challenge school leaders to be the best so that our pupils have the best education possible to reach their full potential' 

'Having hope is seeing challenges as opportunities' 

'Children, staff, parents and governors are working together towards the same collective aim' 

Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills 

Governors say : 

'No one is left behind' 
'Delivering a rich and varied curriculum and encouraging pupils to become rounded individuals' 

'All members of the school community working together to aspire towards fostering hope, building resilience and aiming for positivity in all aspects of learning and development' 

Artwork - Klimt inspirationStay Safe Online

Learning and Developing Over Time.....  progression and feeling proud! 

Infant writing 1 Infant Writing 2 progress in writing 3progress in writing 4progress in writing 5progress in writing 7progress in writing 7

'Make Me A Channel of Your Peace' (based on the Prayer of St Francis) is a special song for our school.  It reflects hope, aspiration and courageous advocacy that we aim to 'live out' as a group of school community stakeholders.  

Click here to find out more about St Francis and what this means to our school as a 'Community of Hope'

Pupils say :- 

'We learn that even during our darkest times (for example COVID and the fear and changes to life that this has brought) there are always things to look forward to and celebrate, but that sometime we have to be creative and do things in different ways.  

'Jesus is the light of the world and we should believe that He is with us even when things are not good (perhaps when we are feeling sad or anxious)'

Our school community supports 'Children in Need' and we give gifts to the community at Harvest Time - to the local foodbanks.  

The pupils say :-

'we learn about forgiveness and imagine what the world would be like without it.  We forgive others and hope that if we make mistakes that they will forgive us too'

'we cheer each other up'

'if people feel left out, we ask them to join in'

'be a good friend to everyone..... be kind when someone says sorry to you.  Don't keep being cross'. 

'staff and children in school are very compassionate and this is demonstrated all the time, by the adults looking after children and children looking after adults'.

Staff say :-

Children know who to ask for support in resolving conflicts within the classroom and outside.  


Staff say :-Children are encouraged to accept differences and not draw attention to other peoples weaknesses.

Children say 'everyone has a right to an opinion and to be heard.  We listen to each other and tr to understand other people's views and explanations. 

Our 'Pupil Worship Leaders' (a group of pupils from Years 3 - 6) impact positively on our collective worship by 

  • ensuring that the messages in worship are followed through

  • organising prayer spaces in our school

  • helping our Collective Worship Leaders (staff) devise themes for prayer

  • making suggestions for worship songs and displays in and around school that reinforce the distinctive Christian character of our school

  • helping the staff team to evaluate worship

  • helping to plan worship sessions and contribute to the Christian Festials that take place in St Nicholas Church - bringing the community together

The Effectiveness of Religious Education 

The Effectiveness of Religious Education 

Our RE curriculum enables our pupils to acquire a rich, deep knowledge and understanding of Christian belief and practice.  Pupils are challenged through the exploration of core concepts and questions.  We involve the children in meaningful and informed dialogue with a range of religions and worldviews.  The RE curriculum is intrinsic to the 'living out' of our school's Christian Vision in enabling all pupils and adults to flourish.  The RE curriculum also contributes to British alues and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.  Central to our RE curriculum, is the study of Christianity as a living and diverse faith, focused on the teaching of Jesus and the Church. 

Click here to view A Statement of Entitlement (RE in Church of England Schools)

Click here to view the Agreed Syllabus for RE (Lincolnshire)

Click here to view 'Understanding Christianity'

Through RE lesson evaluations, the children say :- 

'We have learnt that Jesus died, but lives on through us

'We have learnt that Hindus believe they are reborn after they die and come back as animals' 

'We learn about other religions (as well as Christianity) and this helps us to understand the way others live'